Oppslag i Aftenposten (papirutgaven) og i Fædrelandsvennen (i samarbeid med førstnevnte avis) (14. november 2011): »Digital ordflom fyller Språkbanken»
Den tosiders artikkelen omtaler Språkbankens betydning for fremtidig språkteknologi, og Koenraad De Smedt (Meta-Nord) intervjues om funnene i Meta-Nords språkrapport.
[Article in the newspaper Aftenposten (paper edition), the largest subscription newspaper in Norway and the biggest newspaper in the Greater Oslo Area: ‘Digital flow of words fills the Norwegian Language Bank’.
The two-page article informs about the significance of the Norwegian ‘Språkbank’ and Koenraad De Smedt (Meta-Nord) is interviewed about the findings in the Meta-Nord language report.
The article is also given two pages (same journalist, same date and the same title) in the newspaper Fædrelandsvennen, a morning newspaper published six days a week, and the leading newspaper in the Sørlandet region]